
Accessibility is one of our values at Madrona. The Salt Spring community is diverse socio-economically and our aim is to meet all members of the community as best we can. We have a variety of ways we offer accessibility at the clinic.

Accessible health care

Accessibility at Madrona, Sliding scales, Salt spring island, Madrona
direct billing health benefits

MSP Supplementary Benefits

The BC government offers a small amount of financial support with naturopathic, chiropractic, and physiotherapy visits to those who qualify for their MSP Supplementary Benefits program. Patients who qualify are eligible for coverage of $23/visit for up to 10 visits a year. You can find out more here. In addition, we offer a reduced initial visit rates for patients who qualify. When booking, let us know if this is something you need. We will also provide you the paperwork to seek reimbursement through this program.

We know that ultimately the MSP Supplementary Benefits coverage is very small — we are actively working on a project to petition the BC government to increase the coverage provided by this program. Reach out if you would like to learn more or support!

Sliding Scale Visits

Our coaching and TRE visits (with Arjuna George) and PAP exams and IUD insertions/removals (with Dr. Hannah Webb ND) are offered on a sliding scale.

Extended Health Benefits & Direct Billing

Naturopathic medicine, chiropractic, physiotherapy and counselling are all covered by most extended health plans. Plans vary so check with your specific provider as to your coverage. 

We are currently trialling direct billing with Blue Cross. We look forward to launching direct billing more fully across the clinic as soon as we can. 

We will provide you with a paper or emailed copy of your receipt after your visit so you can submit your claim. All receipts indicate the practitioner’s license number so you have everything you need to submit your claim to your insurance company.


We have a limited supply of free supplements for patients who otherwise might not be able to afford to purchase these remedies. Please inquire with your doctor if we have anything in our supply that would benefit you. We are also accepting donations of sealed, un-expired supplements, please contact us if you have supplements you would like to contribute to this aspect of our accessibility program.

We also offer free samples of some of our supplements (protein powder, electrolytes, vitamin C powder, omega 3s, and others) - this is a great way to try out if the particular product is right for you.


The cost of the prescription iron for iron IV treatment can be high if you do not have drug coverage. We have a limited in-office supply of free IV iron - if you are interested please speak to your doctor or call to inquire about the details.


In BC, naturopathic medicine, chiropractic, and physiotherapy are eligible to be claimed on your tax return under the medical expense tax credit. 

body positive health care
accessible health care, treatment room, Madrona, Salt spring island
Dr. Patrick Callas and Dr. Kate Schertzer, Naturopathic doctors salt spring island
direct billing health benefits

Other strategies…

Meet & Greets

All of our practitioners offer a free complimentary 15-minute Meet & Greet. This gives you the opportunity to see if working with a given practitioner feels like a mutual good fit before you make a financial commitment. 

Strategizing with your practitioner

We encourage patients/clients to speak directly to your practitioner about your health budget. This way your doctor or practitioner can ensure they take this into account when co-creating a treatment plan with you. You can decide together whether lab work fits in your budget, how frequently you are doing follow up visits, and whether you are leaning more on supplements and in-office therapies versus at-home lifestyle change, herbal remedies harvested from your garden, and perhaps cold water swimming and regular rehab and stretching exercises with videos from your practitioner. Individualized medicine is about finding the holistic strategies and tools that work best for you, including financially.

Into The Future

And, all of the above being said - one-on-one care IS inherently expensive. Stay tuned as we we have other plans in the works to expand our accessibility offerings, including group care programs, and more.

Madrona, Tyger Stafford and Zoe Fox our care coordinators, salt spring
contact us

If you have any inquiries or would like to discuss in further details any of our accessibility options mentioned above, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Care Team staff at the clinic.