TRE® (Tension, Stress & Trauma Release Exercise) Salt Spring
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TRE® (Tension, Stress & Trauma Release Exercise)

TRE® with Arjuna George on Salt Spring Island

Tension, Stress & Trauma Release Exercise, also known as TRE®, is a powerful resilience building and healing tool that assists the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension, and trauma. Created by Dr. David Berceli, TRE® uses a series of simple yet innovative somatic exercises to safely re-activate the body’s natural shaking/vibrating/tremoring mechanism.

TRE® supports the release of stored or accumulated stress and unresolved tension and/or trauma from the body’s muscles and tissue, calming down the nervous system and thus restoring the body to natural balance. It can be used to support the release of emotions ranging from mild upset to severe anxiety. As this shaking mechanism in the muscles is part of natural and instinctive behavior as humans, anyone can benefit from TRE®. Clients reporting feeling energized and/or very calm following a TRE® session.

Taught in a safe and regulated environment with a provider guiding you, TRE® is designed to be a self-empowering technique that you can do on your own when you feel ready, though many continue to choose to do the sessions one on one or in groups to have the support of your provider. TRE®’s nervous system regulation occurs with no physical touch from the provider and can take place either in person or online over video.

TRE® Reported Benefits Include

Reduced muscle tension and pain

Deep body relaxation

More energy, endurance, and vitality

Better sleep

Greater emotional resilience and self-control

Regulate and restore the nervous system

Less workplace stress

Better relationships

Healing of old injuries

Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions

Less worry & anxiety

Reduces symptoms of PTSI / PTSD

Post Traumatic Stress Injury / Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Decreases symptoms of vicarious trauma

Vicarious trauma is a stress reaction to being exposed to someone else's trauma story or being exposed to the details of the traumatic event

Arjuna George, Tension, Stress & Trauma Release Exercise, Coaching, Salt Spring island
Arjuna George, Tension, Stress & Trauma Release Exercise, Coaching
Arjuna George, Tension, Stress & Trauma Release Exercise, Coaching

The Process

Initial Visit

In the initial 90 minute session you and the practitioner will discuss what TRE® is and how it can support you, and you will begin to learn how to release tension within the body.

We go through a series of 7 exercises that help target and fatigue the core stress fight or flight muscles (legs and hips). The final step is to initiate the shaking/vibrating/tremoring mechanism on the mat allowing your body to tremor and shake as it needs. The whole process is guided and supervised by a certified TRE® Provider.

TRE®’s nervous system regulation occurs with no physical touch from the provider. Patients should expect mild-level exercise exertion.

Follow-Up Visits

60 minute TRE® follow-up sessions include a review of the TRE® foundations, exercises, and up to a 15-minute tremor session.

Important Notes

Please bring comfortable active wear and a water bottle to all your sessions. You can also bring your own yoga mat if you prefer, otherwise a mat will be provided.

Please be aware that the TRE® process should not be used as a substitute for trauma recovery procedures of a medical or psychiatric/psychological nature. Individuals who have physical or psychological conditions that require strict regulation, individuals with fragile psychological defenses, a complex history of trauma or restricting physical or medical limitations should consult their medical practitioner or a Certified TRE® Provider prior to performing these exercises.

Salt Spring Island

Our TRE Provider

  • Arjuna George, CEC, CWS

    Arjuna George, CEC, CWS

    Certified TRE Provider Resilience Coach