Lab services Salt Spring Island, Blood draws, Lab kits, Testing

Laboratory Services

The Madrona Lab

Our Naturopathic Physicians may use labwork to assess your condition and help define and focus your treatment plan. 

Our lab offerings include

  • Conventional laboratory testing through Life Labs both for investigative purposes as well as for regular screening. This is not an exhaustive list, but some common examples include:

    • Comprehensive thyroid panel with antibodies

    • Blood sugar assessments including fasting insulin

    • Iron and vitamin B12 levels

    • Vitamin D levels

    • Basic yearly bloodwork (liver, kidney, etc)

    • Celiac disease testing

    We call this “conventional” lab testing because these labs may also be run through a medical doctor in which case many of these tests may be covered by MSP. Please note that all Life Labs tests ordered by an ND are private pay.

  • Including skin prick allergy testing, urinalysis (for urinary tract infections), pregnancy testing, and random glucose testing.

  • Beyond the testing offered through Life Labs and the public health system, we offer a diverse range of advanced specialty testing. Often the information reported in these tests goes far beyond what conventional testing alone can reveal and provides deeper, detailed insight about the body’s inner workings. We work with with many different labs to offer a comprehensive set of testing, including but not limited to:

    • Hormone testing: comprehensive sex hormone panel, 4-point cortisol panel

    • Environmental exposures: heavy metals, toxic mold

    • Digestive: food sensitivity testing (IgG and ALCAT), microbiome analysis with in-depth parasite and other pathogen testing

    • Comprehensive nutrient & antioxidant testing

    • Lyme Testing

    • Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening (genetic testing)

    • Expanded Auto-immune marker testing

  • In partnership with the Salt Spring Midwives we offer blood draws for Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening (the NIPS Test). This lab test provides a risk assessment for fetal chromosomal or genetic conditions as well as can (optionally) determine fetal sex. Patients must be at least 10 weeks gestational age to be eligible for testing.

    Please contact your midwives for a referral to the clinic for this test.

Life Labs, Blood draws, IV, Caitlin Hansen Salt Spring Island

Blood Draws

Comfortable, gentle, and stress free (and no wait time)

We offer blood draws at Madrona on Salt Spring Island for all of our labwork. We have a Blood Draw Day every second week on Monday mornings run by our nurse Caitlin Hansen. We can accommodate custom blood draw dates as well.

Please ensure that you have already discussed testing and had a requisition written by your ND prior to booking this visit. If you are not a current patient of Madrona but would like to have your Life Labs blood draw done here, please contact us. 

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