Madrona Care Card

Madrona Health Waiting Room, Madrona Care Card, Salt Spring Island
achillea millefolium

What is the Madrona Care Card?

The Madrona Care Card program is our way of thanking patients who frequently visit Madrona, either for full circle care with multiple practitioners or through purchasing items at our dispensary & store.

When you pre-load a Madrona Care Card and use it as your payment method, we apply a standing discount to all your purchases of treatment services, supplements, and herbal tinctures. The discount increases with each level of stored value added to your card.

Sprout Card:

$600 stored value = 5% off

Blossom Card:

$1200 stored value = 7.5% off

Grove Card:

$2500 stored value = 10% off (shareable within a family)

This will be helpful if:

  • You see more than one practitioner at Madrona.

  • You regularly purchase and refill professional grade supplements and custom herbal tinctures from our dispensary. 

  • More than one member of your household is also a patient/client.

Stored Value may be re-loaded as often as needed. Discount does not apply to purchases of labs or medical supplies. Further terms & conditions apply and will be provided prior to purchase. Inquire at the front desk for more details!

Dr. Hannah Webb ND and Caitlin Hansen LPN on the stairs of Madrona Integrative Health Salt Spring Island, representing holistic alternative full circle care and the benefits of the Madrona Care CArd
arbutus salt spring