Our Tools

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  • Naturopathic physicians are trained to do primary care, meaning an ND can serve as your first point of contact for a new health concern, as well as offer ongoing care for chronic concerns such as managing blood pressure, asthma, digestive concerns, mental health, sleep disturbances, etc. Our doctors take an integrative perspective, offering conventional medical standards of care (such as lab work, prescriptions) as well as perspective on where alternative medicine options such as lifestyle change, herbal medicines, and supplements may be helpful. And more. In the context of our current GP shortage this is a primary focus for our NDs.

    Please note naturopathic physicians cannot refer to specialists, however they can support and guide you in navigating the conventional medical system and accessing the care you need. NDs are able to send for lab work and to refer for imaging (i.e. ultrasound, MRI, etc) as private pay only, not MSP covered.

  • Our NDs are happy to work collaboratively with your conventional medical team. We value great patient care more than we value any particular tool or philosophy of approach. We can offer a second opinion or holistic lens to complement your care with your conventional medical team.

  • Naturopathic doctors are extensively trained in nutrition, which can take the form of everything from:

    • Exploring the basic principles of a good diet to more targeted questions and strategizing, depending on the patients needs

    • Guidance regarding specific therapeutic diets for particular health conditions

    • Recommendations for supplements/neutraceuticals - i.e. they can help differentiate what is effective, what is worth the money, versus what is just marketing, poor quality, or potentially harmful.

  • Herbal medicine is a primary tool our doctors use in patient care. There is great potency and efficacy in the constituents found in nature, particularly plants. In Western culture we tend to be biased towards drugs (or at least something in a pill form) as the most reliable remedy, and have forgotten or lost much of the knowledge about how to use herbal medicines, Our doctors draw on both traditional knowledge about plants as well as current research to inform their practice and help their patients achieve positive health outcomes.

    Herbal medicine offers an empowering, safe, and accessible way of supporting your body with the dynamic, wide-ranging healing properties of plants. Herbal remedies can be soothing to an irritated gut, highly effective antimicrobials that work where antibiotics don’t, or potent anti-inflammatories and pain modulators for chronic joint inflammation, to name just a few examples.

    We are proud to share that the medicines in our botanical tincture dispensary are all organic and/or ethically wild-crafted. In our comprehensive apothecary you may even recognize several familiar, locally-found medicines such as usnea, plantain, oregon grape, and mullein. Keep an eye out for our clinic garden, as well, where you will find growing many types of medicinal plants that bring beauty and life to the land!

  • Acupuncture and the philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine are foundational parts of naturopathic medicine. Acupuncture is a potent way to stimulate healing by working with the subtle and energetic body. It activates or moves qi (pronounced “chi”, meaning life force) to balance one’s constitution by assessing the flow of energy in the meridians of the body, and removing blockages as needed.

    Acupuncture can be helpful for fertility, balancing the menstrual cycle, stress, digestion, muscle tension, and back pain, amongst many many other concerns.

    Our doctors use both traditional acupuncture methods as well as physical medicine acupuncture (i.e. targeting trigger points) techniques.

    Intramuscular stimulation acupuncture involves needling directly into a tight bundle of muscle fibres to mechanically break up the tissue. This is a highly effective technique for resolving muscle tension.

  • We include this as modality of healing to honour that medicine is not always the pill you get from your doctor (whether pharmaceutical or nutraceutical) but also the daily choices you make at home. Your doctor can help you strategize where and how you can most effectively improve your habits. For example, did you know that exercise is shown in research to be more effective than medication for depression? Good air, water, breath, movement, and connection to nature are essential aspects of health. 

    The word doctor comes from the latin “docere” meaning “doctor as teacher”. Your doctor will always explain what and why, help you interpret your labwork and learn about your body along the way, and share with you health information in a way that is empowering and educational.

  • All naturopathic doctors are trained in basic counselling skills. Not so they can replace your counsellor, because they can’t, but so they are able to meet and sit with you wholly and fully, in all parts. It is powerful to have a doctor who is comfortable enough in themselves to hold and meet your grief and anxiety and depression and all the darker sides of this multifaceted thing we call life. It’s powerful to have a doctor who recognizes and honours that your digestive issues are related to gluten intake, for example, but also to your fraught body image history, or to a specific set of life events and emotions you are holding in your belly. As an example. The process of unpacking, understanding, and sitting with these aspects, with your doctor as witness and partner in the journey, is an essential element of the healing path.

  • Naturopathic doctors in BC have prescribing rights, meaning they can and do use pharmaceuticals as part of their holistic toolkit. This may include hormone replacement therapy or thyroid medication, to name a few. In the current context of a GP shortage on Salt Spring Island, our NDs often offer medication refills and continuation of blood pressure medications, antidepressants, asthma medications, etc. Our NDs also often do more progressive prescribing, using treatments such as LDN (low dose naltrexone) or personalized thyroid prescriptions (including desiccated or T3 therapy as alternatives to synthroid, as is needed and best tolerated by the patient). Naturopathic medicine is about providing options without judgement - our doctors all take the time to discuss the pros and cons of the spectrum of options you may have for any specific health concern, so you can decide what is right for you.

  • Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the use of primarily estrogen and progesterone as prescription hormones, most often during perimenopause but also for other hormone imbalances. Our NDs are trained in safe and effective prescribing, and typically use bioidentical hormones. We always take a customized approach - the decision to use HRT requires a conversation with your doctor about the risks & benefits that are unique to you, as well as determining together the right set of hormones, dosing, and delivery method.

    HRT can be a seemingly complex conversation - there is lots of misinformation and outdated information out there about HRT. There are real reasons to be cautious with its use. And, it’s an important and effective treatment which, when used wisely, can be seriously helpful and even life changing. All of our NDs are trained to be able to walk you through your options so you can make an informed choice about what is best for you.

    Please note that testosterone is a federally controlled substance so not within the scope of prescribing of a naturopathic doctor.

  • Read more here.

  • Prolotherapy is an injection treatment used to improve function and relieve pain by potentiating the body’s natural ability to heal. A small amount of irritant, dextrose, is injected into the target area to heighten the body’s healing response, along with an anesthetic for pain. It can be used to enhance and expedite healing from acute/current injuries as well as reawaken the body to repair chronic/nagging injuries.

    Offered specifically by: Dr. Kate Schertzer

  • The use of ultrasound guidance during certain injection procedures. This is useful to asses the integrity of soft tissue structures, as well as provide a live-action display. This ensures, for certain injections such as intra-articular hyaluronic acid, accurate needle placement with more accuracy and effectiveness.

    Offered specifically by: Dr. Kate Schertzer

  • Physical Medicine: hands on treatments for musculoskeletal injuries or conditions of all types with the goal of improving/restoring functional ability and quality of life.

    Adjustments and/or manipulations: a procedure performed by a trained specialist, whereby a very targeted force is applied to a joint to improve joint motion and enhance the body's physical function.

    Physical medicine & adjustments are part of the scope of naturopathic medicine as well as chiropractic. Our naturopathic doctor Kate Schertzer, who is also a chiropractor, offers these services as part of her naturopathic practice.

    Offered specifically by: Dr. Kate Schertzer

  • Assessment and individualized treatment involving movement analysis and exercise prescription to help improve physical function, return to sport, or enhance athletic performance.

    Offered specifically by: Dr. Kate Schertzer

  • Treatment to bind and remove toxic heavy metals from the body. Process involves testing as well as either oral or IV treatments. May be relevant for patients experiencing history of toxic heavy metals exposures (workplace or otherwise), poor memory or focus, low iron levels resistant to treatment, chronic yeast infections, chronic prostatitis, or any autoimmune condition.

    Offered specifically by: Dr. Patrick Callas

  • Coming soon, stay tuned.

  • An injection therapy to treat low back pain, chronically sore muscles or areas of chronic pain in the body. It can also be used to treat scar tissue (this is also known as "sclerotherapy"). A scar is a stuck point in the body that blood vessels and nerves can get bound up in, and that can reduce normal movement in that area or nearby areas. Neural therapy can help return normal sensation and function to these areas even with very old scars.

    Offered specifically by: Dr. Patrick Callas

  • Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) is an allergy treatment that involves deliberately exposing your immune system to a microdose of your specific allergens, and then slowly, over time, progressively increasing the concentrations of the low level allergens to retrain your body’s response and build tolerance to your immune system. Over time this can significantly reduce allergy symptoms as well as the need for conventional allergy medication.

  • Naturopathic cancer care is typically offered adjunctively in support of your protocols with your oncology team. Some patients may choose to seek naturopathic care as a primary treatment approach if they do not utilize conventional medical support. It’s essential in cancer care for the patient to feel empowered as a decision maker in their care, and our doctors can take the time to provide information and perspective to ensure you feel comfortable with your treatment plan. The cancer journey can be a uniquely profound and multi-faceted healing path and an ND is uniquely positioned to support you on this journey. 

    Our NDs can guide you with optimal diet recommendations, relevant and safe supplementation, appropriate use of herbs including mistletoe therapy, nutrient IV therapy such as high dose vitamin C, as well as guide you in navigating the conventional medical system. They can also offer  recommendations to other providers who may additionally be able to support and provide clarity in sorting through the masses of information and recommendations that exist about cancer treatment approaches.

    Offered by: Dr Nicole van Poelgeest and Dr Patrick Callas

  • Inhaled glutathione to support lung and sinus tissue healing. Glutathione is one of the primary antioxidants in the body and plays a major role in tissue repair. This may be helpful for patients with long-COVID, asthma, or other respiratory issues.

  • The cervical escharotic treatment is a treatment for cervical dysplasia that is an alternative to a LEEP procedure. Patients with abnormal PAP results may be candidates for cervical escharotic treatment - a less invasive complementary therapy that involves topical treatment to the cervix. 

    Offered specifically by: Dr. Hannah Webb

  • Ranging from a full physical to a targeted exam, this is an important way of gathering information for any physician.

  • The roots of naturopathic medicine are in Germany, and simple healing retreat centres in mountains where the primary healing tools were fresh air, a simple diet, and regular hydrotherapy. Hydrotherapy is the use of hot and cold water to stimulate circulation, stimulate the immune system, and trigger tissue healing. This is a potent healing tool, recently popularized by the cold water swimming movement, and can be harnessed in many different ways with different techniques modified appropriately for the vitality level and health needs of an individual patient.

  • Homeopathy is an energetic modality that works with the subtle body and subtle energies at work in your physical/mental/spiritual health. Controversial by a Western medical standard, these are popular with many patients. There is a lack of research evidence yet an abundance of stories of profound experiences with homeopathy. We remain open to what works. Our NDs use homeopathy to varying degrees depending on their skillset and philosophy of approach to medicine.

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